
Augenklinik Stralsund, Praxis Dr. med. M. Fechner

D-18435 Stralsund
Große Parower Straße 47
Klinikum am Sund
3rd Floor

Tel: +49 3831 380002
Fax: +49 3831 380003 

If, because of too high an intraocular pressure, a damage to the visual nerve has occurred (glaucoma), there are two fundamental alternative methods to lower the intraocular pressure:

- by improving the intraocular circulation of eyewater and its drainage out of the eye either by a fenestration of the iris (iridectomy) alone or in conjunction with the construction of an overflow-valve into the wall of the eye (trabeculectomy).
- by ablation of the ciliary body and thus reduction of the eyewater-production by either laser beams (cyclophotocoagulation) or freezing (cyclocryocoagulation).

The choice of the surgical procedure depends on the respective findings and any accompanying diseases of the eye.

  Most modern techniques in the service of the visual sense